Sunday 29 December 2013

Edges, Edges, and More Edges But No Height!
After neglecting this blog for months I have decided to get back to it and keep it as my diary for tracking progress, updating it after lessons, training session and practising sessions.

After starting a new job as a Revenue Manager my lessons have been up and down of late but have resolved to having my two lessons week regardless.  This means this week working from 3:00pm to 11:pm then up at 4:am to go skating at 6:00am and be back in work for 8:00am - crazy but worth it! And what a better way to wake me up in the morning.

After two months of working on nothing but edges and field moves I have realised that my jumps have all lost height.   Need to work out a new gym program to work on the height issue - any one have any goo exercises they know of?????

But on a success note my outside edges are not smooth, strong, and a good deep(-ish) edge and flow, the insides are ok but not as good  - keep closing my hips and dropping my hip - dam it it!

I have also learnt that the transition from forward crossovers to back crossovers on field moves has to be done using a Mohawk.  Not usually a problem nice easy turn.  BUT it is at high speed and in my 'un-natural', awkward direction.  This has turned out to be quite terrifying.  For some reason instead of heal to instep like you would usually do on a inside Mohawk I keep holding heal of the free leg to the heal of my skating foot.  And to make matters worse position the free foot to place down on an outside edge - which means it would be a change of foot and edge a Choctaw.  It feel terrible, it looks terrible, and can't do it???? No! - it has left me feeling useless.  But in the other direction my natural direction all is good, practise, practise, practise, I guess - c'est la vie!

My spiral are coming along slowly but surely - my old bones and joints are bearing up - well maybe not old I'm still young compared to the long view of things.  Also why is it I can hold a better position in my camel spins than in my spiral - crazy.

Sit spin while rubbish and still not at 90 degrees and no long rise up on my leg when I step into the spin, so I guess I am keep lower. 

Leg cross over in my scratch spin a lot better, getting that cross over early before the spin gets going has worked a lot better.  Otherwise once the spin is in motion properly it feels like fighting a brick wall to bring the foot over and down.

So really my jumps have reduced to only half their height they once were CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE?????? - though my jumps are of consistent height in jump sequences.

Off to practise tonight so will take some video footage or photos to upload, my aim is to take photos each time and video to monitor progress.  Also to help correct my rounded shoulders and arms / finger position. Also to save my coaches voice of having to shout across the rink - ARMS!! FINGERS!!! SHOULDERS!!! SHOULDERS!!!!!

Also need to get a move on with my program - will not be taking part in the nationals this year as my coach has attended the course this year - but more time to prepare for other competitions I guess.

Also anyone know any fancy and spectacular looking foot sequence or linking footwork??? - will research and upload some suggestions, fell free to add them.

Jumps to date:
Three Jump
Salchow Jump
Toe-Loop (Cherry Flip)
Loop Jump
Flip Jump
Lutz (very badly)
Axel - preparation stages (dam that hip flick)

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Zorba the Greek  - The Programs Develops

Finally got to the stage in the new program where we are placing in the elements.  Also developing all the arm movements - just need a little bit more attitude with a Greek look.

Have been completing some odd landing from the Salchow with my hand behind my head, but at least this time we are entering from the outside three turn so getting better height,  Never like the Mohawk entry..  and some crossed arm moments between cross over that take opposite elbow to knee.  It is really shocking how one moment you have nailed the move, then the next by changed the arm position slightly you can loose the movement virtually altogether. AARRGGHHH

It is also feeling very strange that a lot of the expressive move require that I lean backward - very odd since I always try to stay perfect vertical are forward slightly - hopefully I won't fall and crack my head open - eeek!

But I am having so much fun - and laughing a lot - but as it develops and competitions come up I'm sure there will be tears with pressure.  I'm sure I'll be the next Viktor Petrenko hehehe.

determined to film my progress but rinks round here can be so funny about it - tut!!!

If anyone has any advice for sit spins (how to actually sit into it) and getting the camel higher drop me a message.

Practice session tonight hopefully going to Telford so will keep this update - really need to try the Axel again let it slip over last few days - very bad of me!

Thursday 9 May 2013

The Axel  - Terrifying but Exciting!

Today's lesson took a turned from our planned events - instead of working on our program we looked at the Axel Jump.  It was a nice change but the most odd feeling.

Even though they say to working on the Waltz jump - Loop jump combination and the Waltz jump-back spin to get the feeling for the Axel it still felt completely different to me.  The 'hip flick' and 'shoulder flick' has to be a lot faster and sharper than for anything else we have done to date.

I was at first making a crucial mistake and that was whipping my free leg round on in a circle on take off instead of bring it through.  It makes a massive difference to bring it through with a the hip, knee and foot pointing inward as if to wrap around a (to complete the first half rotation and move into the back spin position).

After many many attempts and getting no where a brilliant song came on over the sound system and for some reason my body went on autopilot - the best things that could have happened.  I did a much deeper outside backward edge before stepping forward into a tight forward outside edge and on take off and whipped my should and hip round in a quick snapping action and pull all my muscles in tight.  I was less than a quarter rotation off completing the jump, landed sideways and nearly fell over.  It's a miracle I did scream and swear.

But it felt absolutely amazing to have come so close to completing the jump - its just a matter of practise and off ice work too. 

My biggest challenge is to keep my body upright now - after that I kept learning forward at the height of the jump - not good!!!  And my coach makes it look so easy - but she is excellent at all moves.  I have never laughed so much in my life ~I love new challenges!

I will try and film my attempts to post on here next time!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Jumps & Spins - Skating Lesson 7th May

Today I had my usual morning (07:30am) lesson.  It got off to a dodgy start in that I almost fell over during my crossover warm up around the rink.  I had clipped the back of my blade on one foot with the toe pick of the other.  This result in an elaborate, almost dancing style slow motion save ending in a leap - but hey I didn't fall!!!

In any case after that things got better thankfully:

I had completely a nice, light Waltz jump and a nice turned out hip on the landing position - I actually sound nice and light not like a concrete elephant.

The Salchow on the other hand was not so good, for the past few weeks for some reason my Salchow jumps do not have a lot of horizontal distance but a lot of vertical.  they are high - which is good.  today my first Salchow went up high but landed on almost the exact same spot where I left the ice.  Very odd feeling.  The second and third attempts I actually moved across the ice but must remember to count this jump move and kick through a la the Waltz jump.
Remember: one ....... two........ three, kick jump!

The Toe Loop  (Cherry flip) went quiet well three out of four not cheated - though I did kick my leg to the back on two of them - bad habit, must never leave my legs behind.   I tried to convince my coach this was an elaborate variation but she was not convinced, and nor was I ( a lot of laughing over that comment!).

My top tip for completing an 'un-cheated' Toe-Loop.

You will already know this tip and it is obvious but...... Before I start just to remind everyone I am not a coach, and not saying this is the way you should do the Toe Loop or even that it is the correct way it just works for me.

The follow is for skaters who rotate clockwise like me.  If you rotate anti-clockwise like most every time it says left change it for right, and right for left etc - reverse the instructions.

Start with a forward inside arch on you right foot - based around the long axis.  When you come back to the long axis change foot for the forward inside edge left foot (power push into it).  When you come back to the long axis do a forward inside 3-turn.  Make sure you are now on the same foot but a nice deep outside edge as much as possible down the long axis.  Bring your other leg stretched behind your skating leg - nice and extended backwards. Put in the toe pick.  now lean on the toe pick and rotate it a little.  NEVER rotate the skating foot, instead lock the skating foot in position but glide the foot through past the toe pick and up into the air in a kicking action ~(your heel leading). Now when the foot is through push up off your toe pick up into the air.  It sounds more to think about than it is and it works for me!

Also my coach changed my entry into the loop Jump for the time being rather that the wide fish entry.  Skate round the rink with forward crossovers.  Hold a forward outside edge then power push into a forward inside three turn on the opposite foot hold this turn, cross your free leg over while doing the  'hip flick' and then jump.  The power push will create a large powerful jump with little effort needed for the rotation itself.  I think the more entry variations you can perform the better.

complete three Flips with no problems and OK height and nice lines - unusual to get it right first time but horray!!

Finally my Lutz ....... first three times Couldn't get it.  After a few months of not concentrating on it I have lost the knack a little.  But I realise where I was going wrong (well my fabulous coach told me).  As I put my toe pick into the ice I was trying to lift up both legs at the same time with zero rotation then trying to rotate at the top height of the jump.  This made that 'trying to break through a brick wall feeling' even worse.  The fourth attempt I completed the jump - a little low in height and slow in speed but I did it.  All I had to do with lean on the toe pick and let the rotation start a fraction while allowing the skating leg to climb up into the jump.  Also the strong arm 'wind-up' into a very quick and strong 'whip-round' to the jumping shoulder the better.  As my coach said the whole movement needs to be quick, fluid and snappy more than any other jump because there is no momentum to help.  Just need to remember all that for next time :-s.

Upright spin was ok almost out of my recent bad habit of dropping my hip at the last minute.  Sit-spin had no Sit at all need so much help with that - if anyone has any tips please let me know!  it's an SOS moment.   But my Camel Spin was better than ever and I held the position and posture well with hips open.  I thought it had gone badly but my coach said otherwise.  Her top tip was to hold hands behind your back - exactly the same as you do in the stretch position  for the gym for stretching your chest muscles (pushing your chest out) when you are in the final parallel position.

Really must conqueror the Scratch Spin position asap - I have no idea why I can't get my leg over the other one.

Next lesson revisiting the Axel and starting to look at doubles as well as further development on my new program - Zorba the Greek!

Wish me luck!!!!

Monday 6 May 2013

Twizzles, twizzles and more twizzles.... & maybe a Spiral

First three moves of my new program have now been laid out.  It is already a challenge - who would have though a few small Greek foot movements could be so challenging?!

After last weeks lessons I really need to work on more edges and intricate footwork - if anyone knows any nice showy foot movements let me know.  Also working on a catch foot spiral position - this seems a little easier - especially for my lack of flexibility that I seem to possess.  The old exercise of raising your leg up in front of you and taking it to the back in an arabesque position, each time becoming higher, then holding it at full height in spiral position for 7 seconds on the fourth swing through, this really helps.  I find stretches in the gym when you are leaning on something doesn't allow you to get used to hold the weight of your leg in the air.  And once again it seems to be a lot easier on ice on the move.

Also need loads of tips for the camel spin and sit spins.  sit spins, I don't know what is wrong with me but my body just refuses to sit down in the final position  - I think my knees have a will of their own - very annoying.

Am I getting too old???!

In the camel position my leg is not high enough but it does feel amazing.  For some reason the scratch spin position is impossible.  Well I know it isn't but it feels like there is a brick wall blocking my leg when I try to cross it over - anyone else have this problem?????

If anyone ever has the rare pleasure of being around during one of my lessons all you will hear is my coach shouting across the ice.. 'OPEN YOUR HIPS!!', 'HANDS! HANDS! HANDS!'.... weirdly when you listen to her and follow instruction it is a lot easier hehehe.

There was a mention is starting doubles - eeekkk, even though my coach says my jumps are of good height I tend to feel like they are low.  Strangely when I actually complete a large jump it feels as if I haven't really left the ice - so if you feel the same it might be your jumps are a lot higher than you think.

Also field moves one minute I am ok at them next week I am awful.  I must stop nudging myself a lot every now and again with my told picks - bad bad bad cheat. 

I am hoping to film some of my skating at my next practise session so will upload what I have.

Monday 29 April 2013

First 2 Competitions - AAARRGGHHHH

Well where do I start.

I have now completed my first two competitions now, the Telford Adult Open and the Blackpool Ice Skating Festival.

After starting to learn how to skate about only a year and half ago I never realised how unprepared I would feel.  The first competition was absolute nerve racking.  Two weird things though, i) when I cam off the ice had had little recollection of what happened.  It was as if one second I was in my starting position and the next I was receiving my marks.  All very weird, a few days later I had plenty of flash backs to what I had done wrong - including managing to pop my tongue out during a jump - I have my comedy value I suppose hehehe!

ii) Secondly, it is the strangest thing that when I stepped onto the ice for the warm-up and program itself it felt as if someone had swopped my legs for someone else's.  There was no way these were the legs I practised on - apparently this is a normal feeling.

My biggest tip is make sure you still love your music by the time of the comp - I have started to be bored by mine and this meant that my expression and arm movements were a bit lame.  I have now chosen music I know I will enjoy for longer!

The music I had for these two competitions was Viva! by bond (the lovely ladies with the violins).  The program was 01:33.  Compulsory elements was no more than four jumps - none repeated, two basic position spins and footwork in a straight line down the centre of the rink.  Having learnt how to skate on a small rink (and I mean small!) it was a massive challenge to spread the program out on the day without loosing any time and increasing speed.  Anyway my elements were:

          Loop jump
          Toe-loop (Cherry flip)
          Salchow (immediately from footwork with Mohawk entry)
          Spiral (right forward outside edge)
          2 x upright spins (min 4 rev.)
          Footwork - best not mentioned it's still raw!

I am never sure it is natural for a man of my age to be doing spiral - can be quite painful.  Also at Blackpool as I skated onto the ice I presented and gave the judges a massive cheeky smile which results in laughing - so at least they will not forget me!

Telford Adult Open, Shropshire 2013


Telford Adult Open Results
Adult Single Pre-Bronze

Technical Score:    1.6    1.4    1.5
Interpretation:        1.4    1.4    1.4

Placing:                  4th place


Blackpool Ice Festival
Adult Single Pre-Bronze

Technical Score:    1.4    1.4    1.4
Interpretation:        1.2    1.2    1.2

Placing:                  4th place
Well starting to develop a new program - much more fun, but extremely challenging - will keep this updated with progress new moves I have learnt etc and all the falls!