Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Zorba the Greek  - The Programs Develops

Finally got to the stage in the new program where we are placing in the elements.  Also developing all the arm movements - just need a little bit more attitude with a Greek look.

Have been completing some odd landing from the Salchow with my hand behind my head, but at least this time we are entering from the outside three turn so getting better height,  Never like the Mohawk entry..  and some crossed arm moments between cross over that take opposite elbow to knee.  It is really shocking how one moment you have nailed the move, then the next by changed the arm position slightly you can loose the movement virtually altogether. AARRGGHHH

It is also feeling very strange that a lot of the expressive move require that I lean backward - very odd since I always try to stay perfect vertical are forward slightly - hopefully I won't fall and crack my head open - eeek!

But I am having so much fun - and laughing a lot - but as it develops and competitions come up I'm sure there will be tears with pressure.  I'm sure I'll be the next Viktor Petrenko hehehe.

determined to film my progress but rinks round here can be so funny about it - tut!!!

If anyone has any advice for sit spins (how to actually sit into it) and getting the camel higher drop me a message.

Practice session tonight hopefully going to Telford so will keep this update - really need to try the Axel again let it slip over last few days - very bad of me!

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