Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Axel  - Terrifying but Exciting!

Today's lesson took a turned from our planned events - instead of working on our program we looked at the Axel Jump.  It was a nice change but the most odd feeling.

Even though they say to working on the Waltz jump - Loop jump combination and the Waltz jump-back spin to get the feeling for the Axel it still felt completely different to me.  The 'hip flick' and 'shoulder flick' has to be a lot faster and sharper than for anything else we have done to date.

I was at first making a crucial mistake and that was whipping my free leg round on in a circle on take off instead of bring it through.  It makes a massive difference to bring it through with a the hip, knee and foot pointing inward as if to wrap around a (to complete the first half rotation and move into the back spin position).

After many many attempts and getting no where a brilliant song came on over the sound system and for some reason my body went on autopilot - the best things that could have happened.  I did a much deeper outside backward edge before stepping forward into a tight forward outside edge and on take off and whipped my should and hip round in a quick snapping action and pull all my muscles in tight.  I was less than a quarter rotation off completing the jump, landed sideways and nearly fell over.  It's a miracle I did scream and swear.

But it felt absolutely amazing to have come so close to completing the jump - its just a matter of practise and off ice work too. 

My biggest challenge is to keep my body upright now - after that I kept learning forward at the height of the jump - not good!!!  And my coach makes it look so easy - but she is excellent at all moves.  I have never laughed so much in my life ~I love new challenges!

I will try and film my attempts to post on here next time!

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