Monday, 29 April 2013

First 2 Competitions - AAARRGGHHHH

Well where do I start.

I have now completed my first two competitions now, the Telford Adult Open and the Blackpool Ice Skating Festival.

After starting to learn how to skate about only a year and half ago I never realised how unprepared I would feel.  The first competition was absolute nerve racking.  Two weird things though, i) when I cam off the ice had had little recollection of what happened.  It was as if one second I was in my starting position and the next I was receiving my marks.  All very weird, a few days later I had plenty of flash backs to what I had done wrong - including managing to pop my tongue out during a jump - I have my comedy value I suppose hehehe!

ii) Secondly, it is the strangest thing that when I stepped onto the ice for the warm-up and program itself it felt as if someone had swopped my legs for someone else's.  There was no way these were the legs I practised on - apparently this is a normal feeling.

My biggest tip is make sure you still love your music by the time of the comp - I have started to be bored by mine and this meant that my expression and arm movements were a bit lame.  I have now chosen music I know I will enjoy for longer!

The music I had for these two competitions was Viva! by bond (the lovely ladies with the violins).  The program was 01:33.  Compulsory elements was no more than four jumps - none repeated, two basic position spins and footwork in a straight line down the centre of the rink.  Having learnt how to skate on a small rink (and I mean small!) it was a massive challenge to spread the program out on the day without loosing any time and increasing speed.  Anyway my elements were:

          Loop jump
          Toe-loop (Cherry flip)
          Salchow (immediately from footwork with Mohawk entry)
          Spiral (right forward outside edge)
          2 x upright spins (min 4 rev.)
          Footwork - best not mentioned it's still raw!

I am never sure it is natural for a man of my age to be doing spiral - can be quite painful.  Also at Blackpool as I skated onto the ice I presented and gave the judges a massive cheeky smile which results in laughing - so at least they will not forget me!

Telford Adult Open, Shropshire 2013


Telford Adult Open Results
Adult Single Pre-Bronze

Technical Score:    1.6    1.4    1.5
Interpretation:        1.4    1.4    1.4

Placing:                  4th place


Blackpool Ice Festival
Adult Single Pre-Bronze

Technical Score:    1.4    1.4    1.4
Interpretation:        1.2    1.2    1.2

Placing:                  4th place
Well starting to develop a new program - much more fun, but extremely challenging - will keep this updated with progress new moves I have learnt etc and all the falls!

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